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Freebird Rock - April '16 Ex. 8

Maybe you know George Benson from “Give Me the Night” and “On Broadway,” or maybe you’re a deep-cut head who loves The Cookbook and “Valdez in the Country.” In this episode, we’re covering our favorites, with help from guitarists Molly Miller and Dan Wilson, and some words from the maestro himself. Is Benson the most responsible user of smooth grooves? Listen to find out.

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Smooth-as-satin playability and exacting construction make this accessibly priced slope-shouldered dread an understated star.

Super excellent playability and neck feel. Tip-top quality for the price. Beautiful Grand Pacific shape. Excellent value.

Harder strumming can overemphasize midrange.



Though I’ve never owned a Taylor from the affordable end of their price spectrum, they have brought me a lot of joy and inspiration over the years. My encounters with GS Minis and 100-series dreads whilst lounging on friend’s porches and tour host’s living rooms have inspired little riffs that became more elaborate things over time—all born from a casual hang with a flattop that was fun to hold, easy to play, and sounded sweet enough that I didn’t want to ditch the conversation.

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John 5's new song "A Hollywood Story" is intended to give fans a glimpse into his incredible journey from a young guitarist to touring with Marilyn Manson and more.

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