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Shake it Off! - Nov. '17 Ex. 8

Our columnist is back to balance the force with a look at the top qualities of old-school Fullerton noise-makers.

Last year, I wrote a column listing the top 10 annoying things about vintage Fender amps. Now, I seek to rebalance the equation, and will share my list of reasons to love them.

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Richard Thompson received the OBE, Order of the British Empire, in 2011 for his “singular and substantial contribution to music.”

Photo by Matt Condon

On his latest full-length, the English singer-songwriter reinforces his role as one of the 20th century’s greatest. Here, he muses on his musical roots, innovations, and rig essentials.

Any list of great British songwriters, from Lennon/McCartney, Ray Davies, and Pete Townshend to Elvis Costello, must contain Richard Thompson. But any discussion of England’s most impressive, identifiable guitar players (be they Clapton, Beck, Page, or Mick Taylor) also needs to include Thompson. And it’s a coin toss which 6-string he excels at more—acoustic or electric.

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Photo by Perry Bean

Make your life on the workbench easier with a couple inexpensive gizmos.

Hello and welcome back to Mod Garage. In this column, we will have a deeper look at servicing a Stratocaster and some hacks from the shop to make this task much easier and faster.

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