
With this move, the Divided by Thirteen brand is now placed under the stewardship of Two-Rockā€™s owners Eli Lester and Mac Skinner.

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On this year-end, in-person edition of Dipped In Tone, our two hosts look back on the yearā€™s most inspiring pedals, guitars, and amps, plus the biggest gear disappointment.

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The high-end, Dumble-style amp supplier to the stars explores and expands upon ā€™60s Fender tone templates.

Two-Rockā€™s top-tier amplifiers attract a lot of players who can afford to play through any amp they want. Generally speaking, the company is known for Dumble-style amps. But their newest release, the Vintage Deluxe, takes a different tackā€”drawing inspiration from the black- and brown- panel Fenders of the 1960s. Cleverly, Two-Rockā€™s modern design creates a sort of hybrid of old-school Fender moves and contemporary Two-Rock touches, embracing some of the best from both worlds and creating a Fender-influenced amp with a broader palette of sounds.

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