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Bohlinger Builds a Stellar Strat and Tests 2 Maple Necks

- YouTube

Follow along as we build a one-of-a-kind Strat featuring top-notch components, modern upgrades, and classic vibes. Plus, see how a vintage neck stacks up against a modern one in our tone test. Watch the demo and enter for your chance to win this custom guitar!

Enter by March 18 for your chance to win!

Want to build your own? Use these parts:

Licensed Fender Necks and Bodies from StewMac:

Seymour Duncan Hot Chicken Pickups:

Tube Amp Doctor Wiring Kits:

AxLabs Tone Claw:

AxLabs String Surfer Saddle:

Ax Labs Strat-Style Switch Tip:

PureTone Output Jack:

GraphTech Ratio Tuners:

LeRockskin Selvaggia Strap:

Reunion Blues Expedition Series Gig Bag:

A dose of magic gain potion.

Works like a little vial of magic gain potion. Fattens without obscuring individual frequency bands.



Solodallas SVDS Boost


The Schaeffer-Vega Diversity Systemā€”an early and very successful wireless systemā€”excelled at the tasks it was designed for. But there was more magic than met the eye. Though designed to sound as transparent as possible, it nonetheless colored the signal in a way that people like Angus Young and Eddie Van Halen found essential.

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Positive Grid's Spark NEO offers guitarists a wireless guitar rig built into premium headphones, with AI-powered tone customization, exceptional sound quality, and versatile connectivity.

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Neil Youngā€™s ā€™70s hits are some of the most recognizable radio rock jams of all time. But Neilā€™s guitar playing continued to grow over the ensuing decades, as he traversed styles from blues to country to electronic to rockabilly and beyond, eventually developing one of the most tonally decadent, fully formed improvisational voices in the entire guitar universe.

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This Japan-made Guyatone brings back memories of hitchinā€™ rides around the U.S.

This oddball vintage Guyatone has a streak of Jack Kerouacā€™s adventurous, thumbing spirit.

The other day, I saw something I hadnā€™t noticed in quite some time. Driving home from work, I saw an interesting-looking fellow hitchhiking. When I was a kid, ā€œhitchersā€ seemed much more common, but, then again, the world didnā€™t seem as dangerous as today. Heck, I can remember hitching to my uncleā€™s cabin in Bradford, Pennsylvaniaā€”home of Zippo lightersā€”and riding almost 200 miles while I sat in a spare tire in the open bed of a pickup truck! Yes, safety wasnā€™t a big concern for kids back in the day.

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