The king and all of his lizard wizards, clockwise from upper left: Ambrose Kenny-Smith, Cook Craig, Joey Walker, Michael Cavanagh, Stu Mackenzie, Lucas Harwood.
The Aussie rockers revamp their axes and slither back with three new albums—following seven others since 2017—of rock 'n' roll weirdness.
Back in early 2017, Australia's ever-experimenting, genre-melding, envelope-pushing ensemble King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard released Flying Microtonal Banana, their initial foray into the world of microtonal music. The band's interest in microtones, or those notes that fall in between the keys on a piano, was piqued when Stu Mackenzie—one of the group's three guitarists, co-lead vocalist, and de facto ringleader—started fooling around with traditional Middle Eastern instruments such as the Turkish bağlama [also called the saz] and Persian setar. Mackenzie asked Aussie luthier Zac Eccles to add extra frets to the banana yellow guitar he was building—dubbed the "Flying Microtonal Banana"—in order to enable the guitarist to play strategically placed quarter-tones in specific, pre-determined keys. Eccles then modified instruments for the band's bassist, Lucas Harwood, and guitarists Cook Craig and Joey Walker, and they got to work adapting their sound to this new approach.
Despite the extensive effort that the band put into creating Flying Microtonal Banana, King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard soon drifted away from their microtonal explorations. They had plenty of other stuff on their mind, releasing four more albums in 2017 alone. After a hiatus in 2018, they returned the following year with Fishing for Fishies, which is a playful, boogie-centric romp; Infest the Rats' Nest, a brain-splitting heavy metal album; and a cadre of live recordings and archival releases. But microtones were again calling, and 2020 proved to be an opportune time for their return.
"We talked about coming back to it as soon as we finished playing Flying Microtonal Banana, because it was one of the funnest experiences we ever had," Mackenzie says. "We were experimenting with this new thing—with Flying Microtonal Banana we definitely did not yet feel super at home with what we were doing—but by the time we actually tracked that record, it felt way more intuitive than we thought it would. It just worked, which doesn't always happen, and because of that we were pining to go back. There are a handful of microtonal tracks scattered throughout a couple of records since then, but we hadn't taken the time to do a full record like that again. We also wanted to do all those records in between. But then the pull became too strong, and we started writing microtonal stuff again."
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Intrasport (Official Video)
It'll come as no surprise to King Gizzard fans that this was fertile ground for the prolific group. "It was a free and creative time, and we accidentally wrote two records worth of songs, which was a huge surprise to everyone," says Mackenzie. Across both of those records, K.G. and L.W., the band dives back into the microtonal deep end to deliver 84-minutes of pounding psychedelia ripe with enough multi-meter grooves and warped tonality to keep your head spinning the whole way through. As a cherry on that double scoop, they've now also just released the strongly synth-centric Butterfly 3000, in June, and chances are that by the time you read this article, something else, perhaps even more incongruous, will be on the way.
The band was obviously enthusiastic about returning to their microtonal approach, but they also had their fair share of challenges. For one thing, their instruments created a hurdle. Mackenzie's custom-build is a well-made, high quality guitar, but that wasn't true for the others, who initially asked Eccles to add frets to their inexpensive bottom-feeder guitars.
Craig Cook's Gear
Before modifying his Rickenbacker 610 with microtonal frets, Cook Craig was using a Univox to perform music from the band's Flying Microtonal Banana album.
Photo by Jordi Vidal
Rickenbacker 610 modified with microtonal frets
Fender 60th Anniversary Classic Jazzmaster with Gibson 496 pickups
Fender 60th Anniversary Classic Jazzmaster (tuned C# standard) with Gibson 496 pickups
Strings and Picks
- D'Addario XL (.012–.052)
- Dunlop Nylon Max Grip .60 mm
- Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
- AMT Electronics B1 Legend Amps preamp
- Boss DD-7 Digital Delay
- Dunlop Cry Baby
- TC Electronic Shaker Vibrato
- ZVEX Fuzz Factory
"I first recorded with a hunk of junk," says guitarist Joey Walker about the initial instrument he modified with microtonal frets. "It was a $300 AUD guitar [about $227 U.S. today], and that was modded and used for the record. We started playing at festivals in Australia and, as we were playing, that guitar started falling apart. Parts were falling off and the bridge started disintegrating. After two shows it was this crazy piece of crap. I then had to quickly mod another guitar that I already had."
Both Walker and Craig decided to commit to reliable microtonal guitar setups, so Walker upgraded to a sturdier Godin Richmond Dorchester and Craig is using a Rickenbacker 610 outfitted with microtonal frets.
On the new material, all three guitarists tune their instruments to C#–F#–C#–F#–B–E and use the bottom four strings as drones while playing melodies on the top two. Bassist Lucas Harwood uses standard tuning, which required some extra problem solving as he and Eccles collaborated on a new bass.
As we were playing, that guitar started falling apart. Parts were falling off and the bridge started disintegrating.—Joey Walker
"For a handful of the songs on the new [guitar-driven] albums, K.G. and L.W., Stu programmed the bass using MIDI, and I had to reverse engineer a new instrument," Harwood says. "That took a few days of me sitting down with him and working out which notes I didn't have on my current instrument, and then designing a new fretboard that would cover all bases—excuse the pun." To gain easy access to all of the notes necessary to play the band's new material, Harwood ended up having Eccles install partial frets into his new bass. He explains, "Some frets cover one string or two or three. It looks really bizarre and more complicated than it is. Some of the songs also had notes that are lower than the low E on the bass, so I got a fifth string as well. That took another relearning. The 5-string bass is like picking up a different instrument compared to a 4-string. Your brain shifts gears when you pick up that instrument. The low B still trips me up now and then, but I am getting used to it."
When they're not on the road, King Gizzard spends an inordinate amount of time jamming, hanging out, and crafting songs and arrangements in a warehouse in Melbourne, which they also recently upgraded. "We moved into a new space just before lockdown hit," Craig says. "We built a new room in this warehouse. It's sound treated and has multiple rooms. It has a control room, tracking room, and a rehearsal room. We go there most days of the week, hang out, jam, and fuck around."
Although the band had recently set up a new space to rehearse and record, both K.G. and L.W. were recorded remotely in compliance with Australia's lockdown rules.
With the lockdown in full effect—and in Australia, as crazy as it may seem, musicians were not considered essential workers—the band was forced to record in isolation, which meant each member contributed ideas and recorded his parts at home, although Craig downplays the challenge. "We've made many albums together and know each other's vibe like the back of our hands," he says. "It is pretty easy to slot in together now, even though we weren't in the same room. It didn't feel too rigid or click-track-y or weird recording it separately."
K.G. and L.W. have that same organic, loose, improvisatory vibe King Gizzard is known for, but they did use a click, which was unusual for them. "Stu would send the sketch of a song with a drum sample, or Cavs [drummer Michael Cavanagh] would send a groove to Stu," Harwood says. "He would play something over it, and we would have a Soundcloud where everyone uploaded everything they did that day. At the end of the day, there'd be a bunch of new ideas to sift through. The main difference here, recording in isolation, is that everything was played to a click track, because when you're sending stuff from one place to another in the virtual world—especially if Cavs just uploads a drum beat—it's near impossible to play just to that if it's in free time. With everything everyone would upload, we'd say something like, 'This track is 120 BPM.' You can then drag it into your software, line it up in a grid, easily play to that, and send it on again."
Lucas Harwood's Gear
"It looks really bizarre and more complicated than it is," says bassist Lucas Harwood, who redesigned his Zac Eccles–modified fretboard to use partial frets. This gives him easy access to all of the microtones that are necessary to perform the band's new songs.
- Custom 5-String bass built by Zac Eccles
- 1972 Fender Musicmaster
Strings and Picks
- Flatwounds (no brand preference; .045–.105)
- Dunlop Tortex .60 mm
Amp & Cabinet
- Darkglass Alpha-Omega
- Ampeg 8x10 cab
- Ampeg SCR-DI preamp
- Ampeg Scrambler Bass Overdrive
- Dunlop Cry Baby Mini Bass Wah
- Electro-Harmonix Bass Big Muff
"Stu was like the brain in the center," Craig adds. "We all sent stuff to him and he organized it. He'd upload a bed and people could overdub on top of that. He chopped that up and did stuff like that. He sifted through the shit I guess. I used Logic a lot to make the new albums, because Logic is really easy to set to microtonal scales. You can play stuff on the keyboard and it is all in that scale. There were a lot more keyboards on this microtonal album compared to the original one. If we hadn't been in isolation and been actually recording the songs in a studio together, they would have been more guitar-based, I reckon. That's what it is. The time and the situation informed the music, which is cool and gives it a different sound."
That sound was informed by other non-musical considerations, too. "I only played on a handful of the tracks," Harwood says. "I was in lockdown with two kids. I don't have a home studio, I have my laptop and bass and a MIDI cable at my dining table, and I did that while trying to homeschool and having a toddler running around as well."
Stu Mackenzie's Gear
Holy tones! When he's not ripping microtonal riffs, Stu Mackenzie often reaches for his Gibson Holy Explorer, which features a unique take on weight-relief measures. Photo by Debi Del Grande
Photo by Debi Del Grande
- Flying Banana Microtonal Guitar built by Zac Eccles
- Gibson Holy Explorer
- Hagstrom F12 12-string
- 1967 Yamaha SVG 800 Flying Samurai
Strings and Picks
- .011 sets, any brand, for 6-strings
- .010 sets, any brand, for 12-string
- Dunlop Nylon Standard .50 mm
- Fender Hot Rod DeVille
- AMT Electronics B1 Legend Amps preamp
- Boss TU-2 Tuner
- Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
- Devi Ever FX Torn's Peaker
- Dunlop Cry Baby
As the lockdown lifted in Australia in March, King Gizzard took their microtonal show on the road. It was also the band's first outing as a one-drummer band. Second drummer and manager Eric Moore left the band in August 2020 to focus more attention on running their label, Flightless Records.
"It's a little bit different," Harwood says about the impact Moore's departure has had on the band's rhythm section. "But Cavs has always been the main driving drummer, and I am still standing right next to him. Eric used to play off him as well. Sonically, and on stage, it hasn't changed too much for me. But we've all picked up little things to fill that void a little bit. Cavs has been playing double kick for a while, and he's expanded his playing with sample pads. We have a few more keyboards on stage. We're trying to fill that void in other ways, not in a rhythmic way, but more sonically."
"The shows we've played, we've only played the new microtonal stuff," adds Craig. "We haven't really played any of the older stuff, which has two drummers. I think once we start doing that, we'll probably notice the change. But for now, it's like everything is new, so you don't notice as much."
Joe Walker's Gear
- 1965 Burns Short Scale Jazz Guitar
- Gibson Flying V
- Godin Richmond Dorchester modified with microtonal frets
Strings and Picks
- D'Addario XL (.011–.046)
- Dunlop Nylon Max Grip .60 mm
- Fender Hot Rod DeVille
- Devi Ever FX Torn's Peaker
The different lineup might not have hit Craig yet, but returning to a live audience has. "We played three shows in Melbourne, which was surreal," he says. "Just being around that many people. We were in the green room before the show, and socializing with more than 10 people was bizarre. You become like a hermit in lockdown. Playing was so good. It was still a bit weird because normally at our shows there are people moshing and, here, you look at the crowd and it is very contained and everyone is in their own little section. But it was amazing to perform in front of people again."
Whatever happens as the world pulls out of its COVID haze, King Gizzard will keep learning, growing, and venturing into uncharted waters. "I am a surface-level geek," Mackenzie says. "I am not the deepest studier ever, but I am an absolute music dork. When we wrote K.G. and L.W., we internalized a lot of new ideas and let them get involved in the music in their own way. In the writing process, we weren't thinking about all that stuff. We were just writing songs the way we usually do. But with anything you learn, or read, or ingest, it seeps its way in, in this fluid type of way. There's no particular song on either of the two new records where we're trying to do some specific thing, but we did learn a lot of things along the way that have infested the music."
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Live in Melbourne '21
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard kick out a slew of microtonal rock jams in front of a live audience in Melbourne earlier this year. There are plenty of closeups throughout this concert-length video, so keep your eyes peeled for extra frets.
Lizards in the Rat’s Nest
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard first embraced microtones about four-plus-years ago, but that's not the only sonic adventure they've taken in that time. Another was turning up the volume with their 2019 release, Infest the Rats' Nest, which is when they—finally—embraced heavy metal. To do it right, their 12-string Hagstroms and vintage Yamahas weren't going to cut it. They needed new instruments that were more meaty and ferocious. For guitarist Stu Mackenzie, a Gibson Explorer was the obvious choice, although, being King Gizzard, that meant an Explorer with a twist.
"My guitar is a Holy Explorer," he says. "Gibson only made 350 of them. When they came out, everyone in the entire world was like, 'That's the worst guitar that Gibson has ever made.' I've been looking for an Explorer for years—being interested in heavy metal for my entire life—and when we talked about making a proper heavy record, it made sense for me to do it on an Explorer. They're cool, and they feel right. I like the shape of them. I like how they feel on you. I looked for ages trying to find something and a Holy Explorer came up in a store when we were on tour. I played it and thought, 'This is actually really dope. This guitar is awesome.' But I didn't buy it because I got scared. It was too bizarre to buy it and all the reviews online were like, 'Worst guitar ever made.' But I couldn't stop thinking about it, and about six months later I bought one off of Reverb that was in Malaysia. It's a beast. It's all still stock, everything on it, and it sounds amazing. Pretty much every guitar, every overdub, every single guitar sound [of mine] on Infest the Rats' Nest is that guitar."
Guitarist Joey Walker felt a similar vibe, and chose a Gibson Flying V. "Stu bought that for me when he was in New York about a year ago, just before we recorded Infest the Rats' Nest," he says, although there's more to it. "There's a picture going around of the Jonas Brothers playing the exact same guitars that Stu and I play—a natural woodgrain Flying V and a Holy Explorer. It's obvious, and under everyone's nose, but the Jonas Brothers are doing a tribute to the King Gizzard recipe."
- Surf with a Space-Age Samurai - Premier Guitar ›
- Psychedelic Porn Crumpets: Tasteful Tech from Down Under ... ›
- Microtonal Madmen: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard's Stu ... ›
- King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard’s Psych-Rock Flight b741 - Premier Guitar ›
Some of these are deep cuts—get ready for some instrumental bonus tracks and Van Halen III mentions—and some are among the biggest radio hits of their time. Just because their hits, though, doesn’t mean we don’t have more to add to the conversation.
Naturally, every recording Eddie Van Halen ever played on has been pored over by legions of guitar players of all styles. It might seem funny, then, to consider EVH solos that might require more attention. But your 100 Guitarists hosts have their picks of solos that they feel merit a little discussion. Some of these are deep cuts—get ready for some instrumental bonus tracks and Van Halen III mentions—and some are among the biggest radio hits of their time. Just because their hits, though, doesn’t mean we don’t have more to add to the conversation.
We can’t cover everything EVH—Jason has already tried while producing the Runnin’ With the Dweezil podcast. But we cover as much as we can in our longest episode yet. And in the second installment of our current listening segment, we’re talking about new-ish music from Oz Noy and Bill Orcutt.
A dual-channel tube preamp and overdrive pedal inspired by the Top Boost channel of vintage VOX amps.
ROY is designed to deliver sweet, ringing cleans and the "shattered" upper-mid breakup tones without sounding harsh or brittle. It is built around a 12AX7 tube that operates internally at 260VDC, providing natural tube compression and a slightly "spongy" amp-like response.
ROY features two identical channels, each with separate gain and volume controls. This design allows you to switch from clean to overdrive with the press of a footswitch while maintaining control over the volume level. It's like having two separate preamps dialed in for clean and overdrive tones.
Much like the old amplifier, ROY includes a classic dual-band tone stack. This unique EQ features interactive Treble and Bass controls that inversely affect the Mids. Both channels share the EQ section.
Another notable feature of this circuit is the Tone Cut control: a master treble roll-off after the EQ. You can shape your tone using the EQ and then adjust the Tone Cut to reduce harshness in the top end while keeping your core sound.
ROY works well with other pedals and can serve as a clean tube platform at the end of your signal chain. It’s a simple and effective way to add a vintage British voice to any amp or direct rig setup.
ROY offers external channel switching and the option to turn the pedal on/off via a 3.5mm jack. The preamp comes with a wall-mount power supply and a country-specific plug.
Street price is 299 USD. It is available at select retailers and can also be purchased directly from the Tubesteader online store at www.tubesteader.com.
The compact offspring of the Roland SDE-3000 rack unit is simple, flexible, and capable of a few cool new tricks of its own.
Tonalities bridge analog and digital characteristics. Cool polyrhythmic textures and easy-to-access, more-common echo subdivisions. Useful panning and stereo-routing options.
Interactivity among controls can yield some chaos and difficult-to-duplicate sounds.
Boss SDE-3 Dual Digital Delay
Though my affection for analog echo dwarfs my sentiments for digital delay, I don’t get doctrinaire about it. If the sound works, I’ll use it. Boss digital delays have been instructive in this way to me before: I used a Boss DD-5 in a A/B amp rig with an Echoplex for a long time, blending the slur and stretch of the reverse echo with the hazy, wobbly tape delay. It was delicious, deep, and complex. And the DD-5 still lives here just in case I get the urge to revisit that place.
Tinkering with theSDE-3 Dual Digital Delay suggested a similar, possibly enduring appeal. As an evolution of the Roland SDE-3000rack unit from the 1980s, it’s a texture machine, bubbling with subtle-to-odd triangle LFO modulations and enhanced dual-delay patterns that make tone mazes from dopey-simple melodies. And with the capacity to use it with two amps in stereo or in panning capacity, it can be much more dimensional. But while the SDE-3 will become indispensable to some for its most complex echo textures, its basic voice possesses warmth that lends personality in pedestrian applications too.
Tapping Into the Source
Some interest in the original SDE-3000 is in its association with Eddie Van Halen, who ran two of them in a wet-dry-wet configuration, using different delay rates and modulation to thicken and lend dimension to solos. But while EVH’s de facto endorsement prompted reissues of the effect as far back as the ’90s, part of the appeal was down to the 3000’s intrinsic elegance and simplicity.
In fact, the original rack unit’s features don’t differ much from what you would find on modern, inexpensive stompbox echoes. But the SDE-3000’s simplicity and reliable predictability made it conducive to fast workflow in the studio. Critically, it also avoided the lo-fi and sterility shortcomings that plagued some lesser rivals—an attribute designer Yoshi Ikegami chalks up to analog components elsewhere in the circuit and a fortuitous clock imprecision that lends organic essence to the repeats.
Evolved Echo Animal
Though the SDE-3 traces a line back to the SDE-3000 in sound and function, it is a very evolved riff on a theme. I don’t have an original SDE-3000 on hand for comparison, but it’s easy to hear how the SDE-3 bridges a gap between analog haze and more clinical, surgical digital sounds in the way that made the original famous. Thanks to the hi-cut control, the SDE-3’s voice can be shaped to enhance the angular aspect of the echoes, or blunt sharp edges. There’s also a lot of leeway to toy with varied EQ settings without sacrificing the ample definition in the repeats. That also means you can take advantage of the polyrhythmic effects that are arguably its greatest asset.
“There’s a lot of leeway to toy with varied EQ settings without sacrificing the ample definition in the repeats.”
The SDE-3’s offset control, which generates these polyrhythmic echoes, is its heart. The most practical and familiar echos, like quarter, eighth, and dotted-eighth patterns, are easy to access in the second half of the offset knobs range. In the first half of the knob’s throw, however, the offset delays often clang about at less-regular intervals, producing complex polyrhythms that are also cool multipliers of the modulation and EQ effects. For example, when emphasizing top end in repeats, using aggressive effects mixes and pitch-wobble modulation generates eerie ghost notes that swim through and around patterns, adding rhythmic interest and texture without derailing the drive behind a groove. Even at modest settings, these are great alternatives to more staid, regular subdivision patterns. Many of the coolest sounds tend toward the foggy reverb spectrum. Removing high end, piling on feedback, and adding the woozy, drunken drift from modulation creates fascinating backdrops for slow, sparse chord melodies. Faster modulations throb and swirl like old BBC Radiophonic Workshop sci-fi sound designs.
By themselves, the modulations have their own broad appeal. Chorus tones are rarely the archetypal Roland Jazz Chorus or CE type—tending to be a bit darker and mistier. But they do a nice job suggesting that texture without lapsing into caricature. There are also really cool rotary-speaker-like textures and vibrato sounds that offer alternatives to go-to industry standards.
The Verdict
The SDE-3’s many available sounds and textures would be appealing at $219—even without the stereo and panning connectivity options, a useful hold function, and expression pedal control that opens up additional options. The panning capabilities, in particular, sparked all kinds of thoughts about studio applications. Mastering the SDE-3 takes just a little study—certain polyrhythms can be dramatically reshaped by the interactivity of other controls and you need to take care to achieve identical results twice. But this is a pedal that, by virtue of its relative simplicity and richness and breadth of sounds, exceeds the utility of some similarly priced rivals, all while opening up possibilities well outside the simple echo realm
Reader: T. Moody
Hometown: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Guitar: The Green Snake
Reader T. Moody turned this Yamaha Pacifica body into a reptilian rocker.
With a few clicks on Reverb, a reptile-inspired shred machine was born.
With this guitar, I wanted to create a shadowbox-type vibe by adding something you could see inside. I have always loved the Yamaha Pacifica guitars because of the open pickup cavity and the light weight, so I purchased this body off Reverb (I think I am addicted to that website). I also wanted a color that was vivid and bold. The seller had already painted it neon yellow, so when I read in the description, “You can see this body from space,” I immediately clicked the Buy It Now button. I also purchased the neck and pickups off of Reverb.
I have always loved the reverse headstock, simply because nothing says 1987 (the best year in the history of the world) like a reverse headstock. The pickups are both Seymour Duncan—an SH-1N in the neck position and TB-4 in the bridge, both in a very cool lime green color. Right when these pickups got listed, the Buy It Now button once again lit up like the Fourth of July. I am a loyal disciple of Sperzel locking tuners and think Bob Sperzel was a pure genius, so I knew those were going on this project even before I started on it. I also knew that I wanted a Vega-Trem; those units are absolutely amazing.
When the body arrived, I thought it would be cool to do some kind of burst around the yellow so I went with a neon green. It turned out better than I imagined. Next up was the shaping and cutting of the pickguard. I had this crocodile-type, faux-leather material that I glued on the pickguard and then shaped to my liking. I wanted just a single volume control and no tone knob, because, like King Edward (Van Halen) once said, “Your volume is your tone.”
T. Moody
I then shaped and glued the faux-leather material in the cavity. The tuning knobs, volume knob, pickguard, screws, and selector switch were also painted in the lemon-lime paint scheme. I put everything together, installed the pickups, strung it up, set it up, plugged it in, and I was blown away. I think this is the best-playing and -sounding guitar I have ever tried.
The only thing missing was the center piece and strap. The latter was easy because DiMarzio makes their ClipLock in neon green. The center piece was more difficult because originally, I was thinking that some kind of gator-style decoration would be cool. In the end, I went with a green snake, because crocodiles ain’t too flexible—and they’re way too big to fit in a pickup cavity!
The Green Snake’s back is just as striking as the front.