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Digging Deeper: Developing a Funk-Guitar Orchestra - Dec '16 Ex. 5

An overdrive boost that takes cues from a Klon but goes beyond by adding useful tone-sculpting features.

A large range of wide-open tones to explore in the overdrive/boost family. Easy to voice with various types of gear. Might free up space on your pedalboard.

Potentially a little more expensive than alternatives.


Walrus Audio Voyager MkII


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Bassist Scott Thunes first started with Frank Zappa’s band when he was 21 years old.

The idiosyncratic musician has gone from Zappa to the classroom, even though he says “I can’t write a bass line to save my life.”

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From full-size to mini, these six pedals deliver funky “chickas,” screaming, fuzz-infused lead tones, and more.

The variations on a classic stompbox bring you tonal versatility and more!

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