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GALLERY: Hard Rock Collection's Iconic Axes, Part 1

Axes owned by Paul Kossof, Eric Clapton, Andy Summers, Marc Bolan and more.

"This lovely bit of faded pink awesomeness was the first Hamer bass that Pretenders bassist Pete Farndon owned. Dig the way the low E-string passes through the body, while the other three strings are mounted to the bridge. This was to compensate for the instrumentуs short scale. It also features cool active electronics and an L.E.D. status indicator. "

The final day is here! Enter Stompboxtober Day 31 for your last chance to win today’s pedal from Keeley and finish the month strong!

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Developed specifically for Tyler Bryant, the Black Magick Reverb TB is the high-power version of Supro's flagship 1x12 combo amplifier.

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“I’m a fan of the riff,” says Jerry Cantrell. “I’m always collecting ideas, and you never know when they’re going to come, or what they’re going to turn into

Photo by Jon Carver

The 6-string wielding songwriter has often gotten flack for reverberating his classic band’s sound in his solo work. But as time, and his latest, tells, that’s not only a strength, but what both he and loyal listeners want.

The guitarist, singer, and songwriter Jerry Cantrell, who is best known for helming Alice in Chains, one of the most influential bands in hard-rock history, is an affable, courteous conversationalist. He’ll apologize, for instance, when he’s been on a PR mission all afternoon and needs to eat something. “I’m sorry. I’m starving. I’m going to make a BLT while we finish this interview,” he says on a recent Zoom call.

“That’s bacon frying, by the way,” he adds, in case his interviewer was wondering about the sizzling sound in the background.

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Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine is one of the loudest guitarists around. And he puts his volume to work creating mythical tones that have captured so many of our imaginations, including our special shoegaze correspondent, guitarist and pedal-maestro Andy Pitcher, who is our guest today.

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