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GALLERY: Pro Pedalboards 2012

From EVH to Auerbach, Joe Perry, and Vai—37 Boards You''ll Drool Over.

Dave Kilminster (The Wall Live Tour)
Dave uses an Eventide TimeFactor, Boss CE-2 Chorus Ensemble, Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor, Suhr Riot distortion, Wah, Ernie Ball VP JR, and Boss TU-2 Tuner, as well as a Boss PSM-5 power supply and master switch pedal, which is used to control the rackmounted delays. "

The in-demand New York-based musician and singer shares how she became one of the music industry’s buzziest bass players.

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Fender Jack White Collection Demos | First Look​
- YouTube

Watch John Bohlinger and Fender’s mad scientists dissect and rip away at Jack White’s new trio of visionary, eclectic, and multi-dimensionally magical electric, amp, and acoustic-electric.

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Made in close collaboration and with significant input from Jimmy Page, the Jimmy Page EDS-1275 uses new 3D scanning technology to aid in handcrafting an effective clone of his original EDS-1275.

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Reader: Daniel Switkin

Hometown: Oakland, California

Guitar: Doublecaster

Here’s the doubleneck dream realized, even if it weighs 9 pounds, 5 ounces.

Taking a Squier Affinity Stratocaster and Mini Precision Bass, one reader created a super-versatile instrument for looping that he can pick, pluck, tap, and slap.

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