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GALLERY: Show Us Your Gear - Vintage Gear

From super-clean grails to more modern classics to old-school obscurities, a look at the vintage gear in PG readers'' collections.

George Hamparzoumian - 1963 Silvertone 1477 Bobcat

George Hamparzoumian - 1963 Silvertone 1477 Bobcat
This Silvertone, made by Harmony, was purchased by George's father from Sears in 1964 for around $56. It's all-original with DeArmond pickups, and George says, "It plays and sounds great." He adds, "Out of all the guitars I own (12 in all) this one has something none of the others will ever have, sentimental value, and I look forward to passing this along to my son."

Have your own vintage gear you want considered for our next vintage gallery? Send pictures, including year, make, and model, with a caption about why you dig it, to