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NAMM '15 - Fishman Fluence Modern Humbucker 7-String and Fluence Classic Humbucker Demos

See and hear a demo of their latest electric-guitar pickups by Unearth's Ken Susi and the comedic Greg Koch.

Silvertone Guitars introduces the new Silvertone Lipstick pickup and 1373 Baritone guitar.

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LA LOM's Jake Faulkner and Zac Sokolow Rig Rundown
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The Los Angeles League of Musiciansā€”LA LOM for shortā€”brought the vintage vibe with them on the road last year.

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Orange Tour Baby 100 Amp Demo | First Look
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100 watts of clean-to-dirty power in a slim, light, 2-channel, tour-ready design that's as easy on the billfold as your back.

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With advanced controls, full MIDI integration, and expression pedal compatibility, the Elipse is designed for guitars, bass, synthesizers, vocals, and vintage keyboards.

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