
Lerxst Chi Alex Lifeson Amp Demo featuring Zach Wish | First Look

Watch Zach Wish run the range of Rush riffage with this 30-watt, 6L6 combo built with Alex Lifeson's guiding hand.

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PRS MT100 Mark Tremonti Signature Amp Demo | First Look

Mark Tremontiā€™s 100-watt signature ampā€”five years in the makingā€”features three totally independent channels spanning silky, substantial clean tones, responsive, controlled overdrive, and white-hot lead sounds that exhibit incredible definition at the highest gain levels.

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Marshall Studio JTM ST20C Demo | First Look

A legendary British brute is reduced in size, weight, and wattage without sacrificing its characteristic brawn, chimey clean tones, or intoxicating overdrive sounds.

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