
Our columnist’s Greco 912, now out of his hands, but fondly remembered.

A flea-market find gave our Wizard of Odd years of squealing, garage-rock bliss in his university days.

Recently, I was touring college campuses with my daughter because she’s about to take the next step in her journey. Looking back, I’ve been writing this column for close to 10 years! When I started, my kids were both small, and now they’re all in high school, with my oldest about to move out. I’m pretty sure she’s going to choose the same university that I attended, which is really funny because she’s so much like me that the decision would be totally on point.

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The Problems with Rolling Stone's Top 250 Guitarists List

PG's video team visited Robert's Western World in downtown Nashville (home to some mighty fine guitar pickers) to share their thoughts on the recent list that has musicians buzzing across the internet.

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In the early '90s, the rock 'n' roll dream team of Tom Petty and Mike Campbell prepare for a show backstage.

Photo by Ebet Roberts

In 1997, the songwriter and his band played a 20-night residency at the historic San Francisco venue, offering fiery concerts that celebrated and defined great American rock ’n’ roll. Now, a four-CD set and Heartbreakers guitarist Mike Campbell tell the story.

“I always had it in the back of my mind,” Mike Campbell says thoughtfully, from his home in the hills outside Los Angeles. He’s taking a moment to savor what it felt like to go back in time and listen to the raw tapes of a now-legendary residency. “Playing the Fillmore was exhilarating for us. I knew then that it was really good, and I would always look forward to the day we’d pull it out again. And when we did, I was pleasantly surprised that it lived up to my expectations and my memory. There’s a lot of kinetic energy and interplay—and fun. We were having fun, you know?”

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