
PRS DGT 15 David Grissom Signature Amp Demo | First Look
- YouTube

The Texan tone tactician works with Paul Reed Smith & Doug Sewell to create a versatile amp that echoes the past, includes boost, reverb and tremolo and slips in some clever circuit options for maximum sounds.

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First Look: Carr Amps Bel-Ray Demo
Carr Bel-Ray Amp Demo | First Look

The EL84 rambler champions three legendary British ’60s to early ’70s sounds embracing their classic chime, crunch, and kerrang packed into a modern design.

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Unleash Versatile Tube Power with the Peavey Classic 20 112 Combo
Peavey Classic 20 Demo | First Look

Smart tweaks make this Mississippi tweed clubbing stalwart more flexible than ever.

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