
An analog octave up and JFET fuzz in a single compact package.

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Classic 4-stage sounds are just the tip of the iceberg for this uncommonly powerful stompā€”but its looks can be deceiving, too.

Waveform knob facilitates an alluring variety of phase tones. Lots of parameter control.

Secondary functions can be difficult to keep track of. Some sounds don't feel as rich and dimensional as the classics.


Flower Pedals Castilleja Phaser


If you're looking for a middle ground between straightforward, vintage phase sounds and the parameter depth of a programmable device, Flower Pedals' Castilleja could be a godsend. Its orange exterior hints at classic 4-stage phase sounds of yore, but its multifunction controls are more powerful than they appear.

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A feature-packed, four-stage phaser with two different voicings.

Looking for lush modulation to wash your tones across a prairie at sunset? Take a listen to the Castilleja Phaser! It's a 4 stage analog optical phaser with digital controls. Unlike most phasers, this one has two different voicings: the first a standard 4 stage phaser in the vein of classics such as the Phase 90, and the second voiced like the classic Univibe.

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