january 2017

This moderately priced digital stomp aims for lo-fi cool via a handwired PT2399 circuit.

Featuring delay, mix, repeats, and a somewhat unusual volume control, the handwired Vick Audio Hypocenter Delay serves up 25–450 ms of delay from a Princeton Technologies PT2399, a digital chip often used to more affordably approximate analog-echo tones.

The Vick’s volume control achieves unity gain between 9 and 10 o’clock, and at its higher reaches (combined with generous mix settings) it really brings out the PT2399’s unique sonic character. I wouldn’t call it analog-sounding in the sense that fans of, say, a Maxon AD999 or even an Ibanez Echo Shifter, would think of it, but it’s not digitally pristine, either—it’s a stringy, lo-fi texture that’s quite intriguing with everything from slapback settings to longer repeats where you harmonize with yourself on syncopated lines.

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