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Win Your New Favorite Overdrive!

Win Your New Favorite Overdrive!

You could be one of SIX winners of the overdrive of their choice from Electro-Harmonix, Ibanez, PRS, Revv, Wampler, or Warm Audio! Giveaway ends June 23, 2024.

Overdrives for Any Occasion - See them all in action!

Electro-Harmonix Spruce Goose Overdrive Effects Pedal


Liftoff with the EHX Spruce Goose Overdrive, an elevated take on a Bluesbreaker®-style OD with a smooth, rich breakup that retains clarity and dynamics. The Spruce Goose soars with a host of new features including a LIFT switch accessing 3 input gain settings, additional output, and expanded EQ to send your tone flying! From meaty boost to smooth singing leads, the Spruce Goose steers your tone into a variety of inspiring and musical directions.