
This 1978 Kramer 350B belonged to the owners of Fanny’s House of Music, Pamela Cole and Leigh Maples.

Photo by Madison Thorn

This bass sports some original modifications made by Gary Kramer following the early-’70s departure of his partner Travis Bean.

Some instruments beg more questions than others. This 1978 Kramer 350B, with a headstock that looks like you could whack it on a table and hear a pure 440 Hz, practically shouts, “Please tell people why I am the way I am!”

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Peterson Tuners StroboClip HDC Demo | NAMM 2024

The Peterson StroboClip HDC brings the company’s popular sweetener offerings right to your headstock.

This Old Kraftsman Vanguard was built at the Kay factory in Chicago, and has two DeArmond “pancake” pickups.

With a bit of old-fashioned elbow grease, this Kay model, sold in the early to mid ’60s, can be turned into a viable playin’ machine.

When I was a kid, there were so many World War II veterans in my neighborhood. All these old-timers had pretty impressive sets of skills, and whenever you needed some work done, all you had to do was walk down the street and ask. My own grandfather was a welder, my neighbor was a woodworker, and two houses down, there was a plumber. These guys were all blue-collar vets who worked in local quarries, mills, and factories. I was, and still am, amazed by their technical prowess and knowledge. My granddad could fix just about anything!

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