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Rig Rundown: Kurt Vile & The Violators

The Philly-based group explains how they use vintage Fender gear, classic tube amps, and a few homemade pedals to produce their brand of psychedelic folk-rock.

The band’s namesake travels with not one, but two 1964 Fender Jaguars. During an earlier interview with PG, Vile explained his need to have dual ’64s: “I bought it in 2011 when I was on tour. I really focused on getting familiar with it, so much so that I just bought another ’64 Jaguar for the road.” One typically is tuned to standard or down a half-step while the other could be in any number of Vile’s own creative open tunings.


Featuring updated circuits for maximum fidelity, intuitive controls, and true stereo capabilities, this pedal offers a rich chorus effect with tube-like overdrive.

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Pearl Jam announces U.S. tour dates for April and May 2025 in support of their album Dark Matter.

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The legendary German hard-rock guitarist deconstructs his expressive playing approach and recounts critical moments from his historic career.

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Katana-Mini X is designed to deliver acclaimed Katana tones in a fun and inspiring amp for daily practice and jamming.

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