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The Modes, part 4: Playing Across the Fingerboard

In this lesson, Mike shows you how to play each mode across the fingerboard with extended patterns.

Welcome back! If you have been following the mode series, then you should have a great understanding of the modes. You should begin to create your own progressions and explore the unique sounds of each one. In part 3, I gave you some example lines to help give you ideas on how to inject the modes into your own playing. In this lesson, I will show you how to play each mode across the fingerboard with extended patterns.

Ex.1 This fingering is for a F major scale (F ā€“ G ā€“ A ā€“ Bb ā€“ C ā€“ D ā€“ E) played across the fingerboard. When you ascend up these scales be sure to slide your pinky and when you descend slide your first finger, I'm picking all 4 notes on a string. Also, I gave you a few suggested fingerings you could try. Download Audio Example.

Ex.2 Here is a F Dorian scale (F ā€“ G ā€“ Ab ā€“ Bb ā€“ C ā€“ D ā€“ Eb) extended. You might want to follow the suggested fingering on this one, it can get a little tricky when you get to the B string. Download Audio Example.

Ex.3 This next one is F Phrygian (F ā€“ Gb ā€“ Ab ā€“ Bb ā€“ C ā€“ Db ā€“ Eb). This one is trickier descending than ascending. You can always modify the fingering so they are more comfortable. Try using 4 fingers on one string for some of these and be sure to experiment. Download Audio Example.

Ex.4 Here is a extended F Lydian scale (F ā€“ G ā€“ A ā€“ B ā€“ C ā€“ D ā€“ E). This one is pretty easy to figure out because there are no sharps or flats. For a great ear training exercise, I suggest playing all these scales as many different ways as you can. Download Audio Example.

Ex.5 Now we are on F Mixolydian (F ā€“ G ā€“ A ā€“ Bb ā€“ C ā€“ D ā€“ Eb). This one is similar to the Ionian, but has a b7. Download Audio Example.

Ok, now that you have played these extended patterns across the fingerboard, you are going to see repeating patterns that make up these scales and extended fingerings. Try to figure out the last 2 modes and for the next lesson I will introduce a concept called Tetrachords, that will help you master the modes across the fretboard easier. Don't forget to visit

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