
This series has run its course. But its methods can last a lifetime.

Well, that didn’t feel like two years, did it?

When I proposed the Subversive Guitarist column to my Premier Guitar pals in 2018, we figured on 20 or so installments, to be followed by a book version of the series. For once, things went precisely as planned: This is the final column in the series, and PG will issue a book version (with lots of extra material!) later this year. Meanwhile, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll continue to float around the PG universe, and I’ll be part of a cool new ongoing project to be announced soon.

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It’s a complicated calculus, with no hard-and-fast rules.

Is it good to able to read music fluently? Yup! (End of article.)

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A funky fingerstyle challenge that starts with Travis picking and then warps it beyond recognition.

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