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Rig Rundown: Kurt Vile & The Violators

The Philly-based group explains how they use vintage Fender gear, classic tube amps, and a few homemade pedals to produce their brand of psychedelic folk-rock.

And for more amp options for his electric rig, he’s been borrowing Jesse’s 1966 Fender Bassman. During this tour, Vile only uses one Fender amp at a time.


A mix of futuristic concepts and DeArmond single-coil pickups, the Musicraft Messenger’s neck was tuned to resonate at 440 Hz.

All photos courtesy ofthe SS Vintage Shop on

The idiosyncratic, Summer of Love-era Musicraft Messenger had a short-lived run and some unusual appointments, but still has some appreciators out there.

Funky, mysterious, and rare as hen’s teeth, the Musicraft Messenger is a far-out vintage guitar that emerged in the Summer of Love and, like so many heady ideas at the time, didn’t last too much longer.

The brainchild of Bert Casey and Arnold Curtis, Musicraft was a short-lived endeavor, beginning in San Francisco in 1967 and ending soon thereafter in Astoria, Oregon. Plans to expand their manufacturing in the new locale seemed to have fizzled out almost as soon as they started.

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Metalocalypse creator Brendon Small has been a lifetime devotee and thrash-metal expert, so we invited him to help us break down what makes Slayer so great.

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Pearl Jam announces U.S. tour dates for April and May 2025 in support of their album Dark Matter.

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The legendary German hard-rock guitarist deconstructs his expressive playing approach and recounts critical moments from his historic career.

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