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The legendary Alice in Chains axeman gives us a look at his updated solo touring setup.

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Bryan’s MIDI-based ’board.

The ability to MIDI-enable your pedalboard and convert audio to MIDI using plugins or software adds a whole new level of experimentation and creativity for guitarists.

In 1983, music had a banner year: U2’s War, the Police’s Synchronicity, Metallica’s Kill ’Em All, Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Texas Flood, Talking Heads’ Speaking in Tongues, and ZZ Top’s Eliminator were all released (to name but a few). It was also the year MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) was unveiled, and saying that it forever changed the musical landscape is an understatement. Until very recently, guitar-oriented manufacturers had never taken advantage or expanded on MIDI possibilities.

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Friedman IR-X Dual Tube Preamp and DI Demo with Sammy Boller & Dave Friedman

The amp master and rig-builder-to-the-stars walks us through his latest and greatest tone solution for guitarists while the smooth shredster shows off the pedal's many moods of rude.

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