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Rig Rundown: Henry Kaiser's Five Times Surprise

A studio visit with the new gear-heavy improv/art-rock supergroup that includes Henry Kaiser, Andy West, and Anthony Pirog.

For Anthony, there’s also an Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail reverb, a Crowther Hot Cake overdrive, a Pro Co RAT (his first pedal, bought at age 12), a Klon Centaur (scored where he teaches, at Action Music in Falls Church, Virginia), a Greer Super Hornet (fuzz with a momentary octave switch), an EarthQuaker Devices Afterneath ambient reverb, a Boss DD-7 Digital Delay (dedicated to backwards delay), a Moog MF Delay, a ZVEX Ringtone ring modulator, an MXR 16 Second Digital Delay reissue (with a foot controller), and a ZVEX Lo-Fi Loop Junky (not pictured).

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