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Rig Rundown: Nick Raskulinecz

Try to keep your skull glued on while geeking out on the gear the Grammy-winning producer uses to make epic albums with Foo Fighters, Alice in Chains, Deftones, Korn, Rush, Mastodon, and others.

This EVH Striped Series 5150 was an anniversary gift from Nick’s wife. He got her flowers.

D'Addario Micro Tuner:

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Updates feature PRS DMO and McCarty III pickups, EQ mini-toggles, Phase III tuners, and expanded color options.

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Vola Guitars collaborates with guitarists Pierre Danel and Quentin Godet to announce the all new J3 series to their line of signature guitars.

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Adding to the line of vintage fuzzboxes, Ananashead unleashes a new stompbox, the Spirit Fuzz, their take on the '60s plug-in fuzz.

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Each of the Hornet 15 Li amplifiers is designed to leverage Mooer's digital modeling technology to provide 9 preamp tones based on world-renowned amplifiers.

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