Though there's a plethora of delay pedals on the market, the control scheme on a Boss DD-7 is very common.
Whether you’ve got a barebones analog box or a feature-packed digital model, your delay can do a lot more than add ambience to your sound. Here we walk you through everything from basics like signal-chain placement and dialing in traditional sounds to looping and precise tempo matching.
Delay pedals are among the most popular effects around, and the reason is simple: A delay pedal not only gives your sound a professional sheen and adds a three-dimensional quality—even when set for a discreet, atmospheric effect—but it can also produce a wide variety of not-so-subtle sounds and textures, ranging from ear-twisting rhythmic repeats (à la Eddie Van Halen's “Cathedral") to faux twin-guitar harmonies and live looping.
This how-to guide will cover the aforementioned effects, as well as fundamentals like the function of typical delay controls, and where to place your unit in an effects chain. Although there are countless delays on the market—many of which have mind-boggling features—we're going to use a basic delay pedal setup similar to what you'll find on a Boss DD-7 as our reference point. We've also provided some sample settings so you can get the most out of your delay pedal right away.
Delay Pedal Controls
Three controls are common to virtually all delay units: Time, Feedback (sometimes labeled "Repeat" or "Regeneration"), and Level (or "Mix").
Time controls the length of time between any two repetitions of your signal. It is most often measured in milliseconds (ms). Most delay pedals don't have a delay-time readout that would enable you to determine exact delay times in milliseconds, so you typically just adjust the Time knob to get an approximate time based on the unit's available range. For instance, the Boss DD-7 (street $179) has a Mode knob that selects between four time ranges—up to 50 ms, 51–200 ms, 201–800 ms, and 801–3200 ms—and the Time knob then adjusts the setting within the selected range.
Feedback determines the amount of repetitions. At its minimum setting, Feedback outputs a single repetition of the original signal. From that point on, as you turn up Feedback you get more repeats. Some delay units allow infinite repeats when this control is maxed.
Level controls the volume of the repeats. When Level is at its minimum setting, you won't hear any repeats. When it's all the way up, the repeats should be as loud as the original signal.
Signal-Chain Placement
If you plan to use your delay in conjunction with other stompboxes, it's important to consider where to place these effects in the chain—especially if you're using an overdrive, distortion, or fuzz pedal. The most common setup is to place dirt before delay. This is important because it means you'll be delaying the distorted signal as opposed to distorting a delayed signal, which will sound mushy and indistinct. Because a distortion pedal has the strongest impact on your fundamental tone, it's typically placed early in the chain, whereas delay is usually placed toward the end of the chain so it can produce repeats of all of the effects added to your guitar sound. Of course, you should experiment for yourself to see what you prefer.
If you're taking the dirt-before-delay with the distortion from your amp, then you'll want to insert your delay into your amp's effects loop (if it has one) so that it comes in the chain after the preamp gain. For recording, it's less of an issue because you can just record the amp without any effects and then add delay during post-production.
Doubling and Modulation
The term "doubling" refers to the process of using a subtle delay to thicken your sound. To get a doubling effect, set Time between 50 and 100 ms, Feedback for minimal repeats (one or two), and Level all the way up. Because the repeat happens so quickly, it creates the illusion of another guitar playing in unison with the original signal rather than sounding like an echo. If you use a lower delay time (20 to 50 ms), you can also get pseudo chorusing and flanging sounds.
Doubling and Modulation Example
Slapback Echo
Slapback is a single short repeat similar to a tape slap (the time delay between the record and play heads in an analog tape recorder), and it is most often heard in rockabilly and country. To achieve a slapback effect, keep the Time short (between 80–140 ms), Feedback at 0 (so you only get one repeat), and Level at about 50 percent.
Slapback Example
Faux Reverb
A reverb-type effect can be achieved by modifying some of the settings used for slapback. Set the Time between 100 and 200 ms, Feedback for about 5 repeats, and Level at about 50 percent.
Faux Reverb Example
Tempo Matching
Most delay pedals do not have precise delay time readings on their knob panels. This isn't a crucial issue when you're using shorter delay times or when precise timing of the repeats is not integral to the performance. However, if you're playing to a fixed beat source (say, a band or rhythm track) with a delay time of more than 200 ms and a fairly high Level setting that gives the repeats a distinct note, it will sound best if you dial in a precise delay time that matches the tempo of the band or rhythm track. Otherwise, the repeats will be out of time against the underlying beat. If your music is delay based, delay pedals such as the Providence DLY-4 Chrono Delay (street $449), TC Electronic ND-1 Nova Delay (street $259), and Strymon Timeline (street $449)—all of which feature LED readouts of the delay time—are worth considering.
Newer digital delays such as the Providence DLy-4 Chrono Delay, TC Electronic ND-1 Nova Delay, and Strymon Timeline feature exact millisecond readouts for players who need very precise delays for tempo-matching purposes.
Many delay pedals from the last decade or so offer a happy middle ground with tap-tempo functionality (some designs require using an aftermarket external footswitch to access this). If you're familiar with the term but aren't quite sure exactly how it works, here's the scoop: Though many players don't know the exact tempo they need in terms of beats per minute (bpm), most have an innate sense of the tempo they wish to play at, so tapping it out on a delay pedal's tap-tempo footswitch is an easy way to get the sort of tempo matching we've been talking about. If your delay doesn't have tap-tempo functionality, or if you want a formulaic approach to calculating the delay time, see the "Calculating MSfrom BPM" sidebar.
Dotted-Eighth Rhythmic Repeats
Guitarists like Eddie Van Halen, the Edge, and David Gilmour took delays to new heights by making them an integral part of compositions like Van Halen's "Cathedral," U2's "Where the Streets have No Name," and Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall, Part 1." They popularized a trick using dotted-eighth-note delay repeats to create the illusion that they were playing more notes—and faster—than they really were.
Dotted-Eighth Rhythmic Repeat Example
To do this, set your delay to repeat everything you play a dotted-eighth-note (three 16ths) after you play the original note, and then pluck continuous eighth-notes. After the delay's initial entrance on the last 16th of the first beat, it will fill in the second and fourth 16th-note of every successive beat—as long as you continue to play eighth-notes (newly picked notes will cover the first and third 16th of every beat). To make this sound as natural as possible, set your delay pedal's Level knob all the way up so it matches the volume of the original signal, and try to keep the notes as precise and short as you can to avoid having a picked note overlap with a delayed note.
Delays such as the Line 6 Echo Park feature dotted-eighthnote modes that make it a cinch to create rhythmic parts in the style of U2's the Edge or Pink Floyd's David Gilmour.
Some delays, such as the Line 6 Echo Park, have rhythmic subdivision modes built in, so dotted-eighth repeats won't be a problem to set up. However, if your delay doesn't offer subdivisions, you'll have to do some math to get the Time setting right. Here, again, the "Calculating MS fromBPM" sidebar will be a big help.
Delay as Harmonizer
Some delays, such as the Line 6 Echo Park, have rhythmic subdivision modes built in, so dotted-eighth repeats won't be a problem to set up. However, if your delay doesn't offer subdivisions, you'll have to do some math to get the Time setting right. Here, again, the "Calculating MS fromBPM" sidebar will be a big help.
One caveat with using a delay to perform harmonized lines is that you won't be able to easily start both parts simultaneously. You might try using a volume pedal to mute the opening line and bring the volume up when the harmony begins, but the more common approach is to just start a line and opt for a staggered entrance of the harmony line. In fact, some songs were written with staggered harmony parts. For instance, the intro to Iron Maiden's "The Trooper" has a built-in layered entrance of a harmonized line and can be pulled off by a single guitarist using a delay pedal.
Delay as Harmonizer Example
If you're new to harmonizing, here's a quick overview on creating harmony parts. Typically, the intervals of a harmony part are fixed (i.e., the part uses the same interval, shifting between its major or minor form to accommodate diatonic notes) throughout the duration of the line, with thirds and sixths being the most common choices (although fourths, fifths, and octaves are also frequently employed). Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and different intervals can be used throughout a line. For a more in-depth exploration of harmonized lines, consult a book such as A Player's Guide to Chords and Harmony: Music Theory for Real-World Musicians by Jim Aikin or David Baker's Arranging and Composing for the Small Ensemble: Jazz, R&B, Jazz Rock, an advanced workbook with a forward by Quincy Jones.
Guitar legends such as Bill Frisell and David Torn have made looping an integral part of their live shows. At its most extreme, looping is almost like real-time multi-tracking: You can continually add layers of sound, starting with a bass figure, then a layer of chords, followed by a muted, single-note rhythm part, and then a solo on top. Pedals like the Line 6 DL4 Delay Modeler (street $236), Boss DD-7, and Eventide TimeFactor (street $399) have built-in looping functionality and are good options for getting started with looping.
Many newer digital delays—including the Eventide TimeFactor (above), Boss DD-7, and Line 6 DL4 Delay Modeler (bottom) —also feature built-in looping functionality.
One tricky thing with looping is that the start and end points of the loop have to be rhythmically precise: When you first record the loop, you have to start the loop on the first beat of the phrase, beat occurs again—thus cutting off the note's sustain to avoid overlap. In every loop, the last note will immediately flow into the repetition of the first note. Sometimes there might be a very slight lag before the effect is actually activated after you step on the pedal. We're talking milliseconds here, but you might feel it and may have to adjust the timing of your stomps accordingly.
If the maximum looping time available on your delay device is too short for some of your more ambitious looping applications, there are still good uses for it. For example, if you only had enough delay time to have one harmony or drone note sound, you could leave it on for infinite feedback and practice playing and hearing scales or patterns against the fixed tonal center. You could also use it to loop a note that you could tune the rest of your strings to if you don't have a tuner (at least you'd be in tune with yourself!). These may not be performance-critical uses, but they could certainly be helpful in your development as a musician.
Adventure Awaits … Awaits … Awaits
Although we've explored its most common uses, there are still many more sounds and textures that can be created with a delay pedal—in fact, the possibilities are nearly endless. And whether you arm yourself with a basic echo box or one of the newer units with a bunch of bells and whistles, learning to see and use the effect in a fresh new way— just as the Edge and Eddie Van Halen did—could make you the next sonic innovator whose sonic weapon is the delectable delay.
Calculating MS from BPM
A song's tempo is usually expressed in terms of beats per minute (bpm). But figuring out a song's tempo by counting beats for 60 seconds isn't especially practical. A more efficient way is to find a smaller multiple of 60 and use that as the basis for your calculations. For example, you can count how many beats go by in 15 seconds and multiply that by 4 (15 x 4 = 60 seconds or one minute) or you can count how many beats go by in 10 seconds then multiply that by 6. It can be hard to get a really accurate reading with this approach, but it will get you in the ballpark, if you're in a pinch.
However, while most musicians think of tempo in terms of bpm, most delay units represent delay time as milliseconds (ms). Studio guitarists used to carry conversion charts in their gigbags to make sure they could always lock in with tempos at a session, and we're including one for you below. If you ever find yourself in need of a beat-matched delay but don't have this chart handy, you can use some basic formulas to convert the desired bpm into ms and set your delay accordingly. The basis for the formulas is the number 60,000—the number of milliseconds in a minute. To convert bpm to ms, the formula is:
60,000/bpm = quarter-note ms
For example, 60,000/100 bpm = 600 ms. If you're playing to a track that is 100 bpm, you'll need to set your delay at 600 ms to get quarter-note repeats.
To get smaller subdivisions of the quarter note, there are two approaches. You can divide the quarter-note ms reading proportionately, as needed. For repeats in eighth-notes, divide the quarter-note ms by 2, and for repeats in 16ths, divide the quarter-note ms by 4. At a tempo of 100 bpm, quarter-note repeats are 600 ms, eighth-note repeats are 300 ms, and 16th-note repeats are 150 ms.
Or you can use these formulas:
30,000/bpm = eighth-note ms
15,000/bpm = 16th-note ms
For triplet-based music, the formula is:
40,000/bpm = quarter-note-triplet ms
For example, 40,000 divided by 100 bpm = 400 ms. You can divide the quarter-note-triplet ms reading to get values for eighth- and 16th-note triplets. To get eighth-note-triplet repeats, divide the quarter-note-triplet ms by 2, and to get 16th-note-triplet repeats, divide the quarter-note-triplet ms by 4. At a tempo of 100 bpm, quarter-note-triplet repeats are 400 ms, eighth-note-triplet repeats are 200 ms, and 16thnote- triplet repeats are 100 ms.
Or you can use these formulas:
20,000/bpm = eighth-note-triplet ms
10,000/bpm = 16th-note-triplet ms
To calculate ms for dotted-eighth-note rhythmic repeats,
the formula is:
45,000/bpm = dotted-eighth-note ms
For example at 100 bpm, you will need a delay time of 450 ms to get repeats in dotted-eighth-notes.
[Updated 8/30/21]
- How to Get the Most Out of Your Delay Pedal - Premier Guitar ›
- Recording Dojo: How to Capture the Best Delay Sound - Premier ... ›
- MXR Carbon Copy Delay Review - Premier Guitar ›
- Tone Tips: Thicken It Up! - Premier Guitar ›
- Guitar Shop 101: How to Shim a Bolt-On Neck - Premier Guitar ›
- 7 Ways to Use Your Delay Pedal for Ultimate Guitar Tone - Premier Guitar ›
- 10 Delay Pedals You Need to Check out - Premier Guitar ›
- Keeley Andy Timmons Halo Delay Review - Premier Guitar ›
Updates feature PRS DMO and McCarty III pickups, EQ mini-toggles, Phase III tuners, and expanded color options.
PRS Guitars announced the continuation of its 40th anniversary celebration with two new models and several specification updates across their Maryland, USA-made electric instruments. New models include the Standard 24 Satin and Swamp Ash Special, while the new specs in multiple lines include PRS DMO and McCarty III pickups, EQ mini-toggles, Phase III tuners and expanded color options.
2025 marks the 40th Anniversary of PRS Guitars. After announcing SE Series updates in October and officially kicking off their 40th Anniversary celebration this past November with the introduction of the 40th Anniversary Private Stock Dragon and Custom 24 limited-edition instruments, this month's launches are the next in a schedule of many product announcements to be made throughout the year.
“Our mission hasn’t changed since day one in my first Garrett workshop - we want to build the best tools for musicians to do their jobs,” said Paul Reed Smith, founder & managing general partner of PRS Guitars. “But, as the saying goes, ‘windshields are larger than rearview mirrors for a reason.’ We do not want to spend our anniversary only looking back. We want to keep advancing our craft and adding value to our instruments by focusing on details we believe matter to musicians.”
New Models: Standard 24 Satin and Swamp Ash Special
When a young Paul Reed Smith was raising money to start his business, he traveled the East Coast with two guitars: a PRS and a PRS Custom. The PRS was an all-mahogany guitar that would later come to be called the PRS Standard. For 2025, the company is introducing a version of that pre-factory instrument in its Core line. Featuring a “sinky” satin nitro finish and the new PRS DMO pickups, the PRS Standard 24 Satin is a powerful, roadworthy workhorse. Its full, warm, organic tone is maximized not only by the finish, but thanks to the Phase III locking tuners with brass shafts, proprietary bone nut, and design of the PRS patented tremolo.
The Swamp Ash Special bolt-on model is also making a comeback for 2025 but with an updated electronics layout. Its swamp ash body is equipped with a versatile hum/“single”/hum pickup configuration. Two 58/15 LT pickups flank a PRS Narrowfield in the middle position, which adds a single-coil bite – without the hum. Paired with a volume, tone, 5-way blade switch, and dual mini-toggle coil-tap switches (for the first time on this model), the Swamp Ash Special has a total of twelve sound combinations. Overall, the PRS Swamp Ash Special features tight low-end, bright but mellow high-end, and a welcome twangy tone that can reach “hot country,” blues and jazz territory.
New Pickups
Most notably, PRS is introducing two new pickup models in its Core lineup: PRS DMO and McCarty III treble and bass pickups. Through hands-on research into beloved vintage pickup models to advancements in signal analyzation and “tuning” technology, these pickups incorporate every detail of pickup knowledge PRS has gained in recent years of R&D.
PRS DMO (Dynamic, Musical, Open) pickups are more modern-sounding and have a “wide open” sound with vocal character, meaning they deliver clear, pleasant-sounding tones across a wide range of frequencies (bass to treble) in each pickup. While McCarty III pickups are vintage-inspired humbuckers that bring a vocal clarity to their full, warm tone. PRS DMO’s will be found on the Custom 24, while McCarty III’s will be found on McCarty, Hollowbody, Special and Studio models.
EQ Switch Feature
On select models, PRS has also updated the spec on their dual mini-toggle switches from coil-taps to EQ switches. EQ mini-toggles act as tuned high-pass filters when engaged (in the up position), removing shelved low-end and allowing the high frequencies through for more clarity and musical highs. This spec will be found on the Custom 24-08, Modern Eagle V and S2 Custom 24-08.
“These EQ switches were developed with and first featured on the Private Stock John McLaughlin model in 2023. Both John and I felt that they offered a different, but just as versatile, sound that played a significant role in the musicality of that guitar. I am happy that we are now extending this feature into more models,” said Paul Reed Smith.
Phase III Tuner Expanded Offering
The entire S2 Series and select Bolt-On models are also being updated with Phase III tuners. Designed from scratch in 2012 to be wholly different from Phase II’s, Phase III tuners were originally introduced on PRS’s Core line. Notable features of these tried-and-true tuning machines include a handsome open-back design, highly usable gear ratio, unplated brass shafts, overall lightweight construction, and PRS’s proprietary wing button.
PRS has also introduced new colors across their lineup, including Aurora Borealis and Black Gold on select Core models, Egyptian Gold and Platinum Metallic on the Myles Kennedy signature Bolt-On, five new colors on the NF 53, including Matcha Green and Jasper Smokeburst, and three new satin colors on the Fiore, including Lilac Satin, Hibiscus Satin and Amaryllis Satin.
All of these specification details are aimed to make better guitars for musicians. Beyond these foundational updates, PRS Guitars is planning a year full of new product and limited-edition introductions. Stay tuned for those updates over the coming months.
For more information, please visit prsguitars.com.
Vola Guitars collaborates with guitarists Pierre Danel and Quentin Godet to announce the all new J3 series to their line of signature guitars.
With both Pierre Danel and Quentin Godet rising to the forefront of the heavy music scene, they have caught fire with distinct approaches and undying tenacity. Furthermore, their involvement with Vola Guitars has led to brand growth as a direct result of their endeavors. Equipped with Bare Knuckle pickups, 27” scale length, Gotoh hardware, and crafted with precision. "These two unmistakable designs are meant to be extensions of their handlers, catalysts for creative expression."
Features include:
• Country of Origin: Handmade in Japan
• Scale Length: 27" Extended Scale length
• Construction: Bolt-on neck with new contour heel
• Body: Alder
• Fingerboard: Roasted Maple
• Neck: Roasted Maple neck with 3x3 Vola headstock
• Nut: 48mm * 3.4T Graphtech nut
• Frets: 24 Medium Jumbo Stainless Frets
• Inlay: Custom Luminlay Kadinja with Luminlay side dots
• Radius: 16" Radius
• Pickups: Bare Knuckle™ Bootcamp Brute Force HSS
• Electronics: 1 Volume (Push/pull : Add neck Pickup switch) 1 tone 5 way switch 1 mini switch (On-On-On: series/parallel/ coil tap)
• Bridge: Gotoh NS510TS-FE7 tremolo
• Tuners: Gotoh SG381-07 MG-T locking tuners
• Strings: Daddario XTE1059 10-59
• Case: Vola Custom Series Gig Bag (included)
The Vola Oz and Vasti J3 Series are the culmination of Vola’s dedication to designing top quality instruments for demanding players, without sacrificing the beauty that invites a closer look. Street price $1,749 USD. Vola Guitars now sells direct! For more information on this model and more, visit www.volaguitars.comAdding to the line of vintage fuzzboxes, Ananashead unleashes a new stompbox, the Spirit Fuzz, their take on the '60s plug-in fuzz.
The Spirit Fuzz is a mix of the two first California versions of the plug-in fuzz used by Randy California from Spirit, Big Brother & The Holding Company or ZZ TOP among others, also maybe was used in the "Spirit in the Sky" song.
A handmade pedal-shaped version with less hiss and more low-end with modern fatures like filtered and protected 9V DC input and true bypass. Only two controls for Volume and Attack that goes from clean to buzzy fuzz with some fuzzy overdrive in-between, also it cleans well with the guitar's volume.
The pedal offers the following features:
- Two knobs to control Volume and Attack
- Shielded inputs/outputs to avoid RF
- Filtered and protected 9VDC input
- Daisy-chain friendly
- Popless True Bypass switching
- Low current draw, 1mA
Each of the Hornet 15 Li amplifiers is designed to leverage Mooer's digital modeling technology to provide 9 preamp tones based on world-renowned amplifiers.
This modeling amplifier comes in two colors (White, Black), each of which is paired with its own carefully curated selection of preamp models.
The modulation dial can be adjusted to choose between chorus, phaser, and vibrato effects, whereas the delay dial facilitates analog, tape echo, and digital delay. Also, the reverb unit includes room, hall, and church emulations, making sure that there is an atmosphere and effect chain that works for any practice scenario.
A unique feature of this amplifier is how it can be used in two modes: “Live” and “Preset” mode. When using Live mode, guitarists will be able to browse the device's built-in preamp tones, which they can then enhance if they wish to throw the effect units. In contrast, the "Preset" mode allows users to save these effects and dynamic parameter changes into each preset, enabling them to customize them without overwriting the originals.
As any good amplifier should, the Hornet 15 Li is complete with industry-standard features, such as three-band EQ adjustment dials, volume and gain dials, a 1/4" guitar input, and both an auxiliary input and headphone output. However, MOOER has gone above and beyond to pack the amplifier with several special features; for example, this modeling amp boasts separate tap-tempo buttons for both the modulation and delay units, in addition to a dedicated tuner button and function, allowing guitarists to use the device's screen to ensure their guitar tuning is precise. What's more, the Hornet 15 Li also supports Bluetooth input, meaning that any guitarist can stream their favorite songs and backing tracks directly to the amplifier, making practice sessions and rehearsals easier than ever.
Arguably, the most impressive feature of the Hornet 15 Li is the fact that, in addition to being powered by a mains supply, it can also operate on battery. The device is built with an integrated 4000mA.h lithium battery, empowering guitarists to practice guitar on the go for hours–even when there’s no power source nearby. Combining this with how the amp weighs just 2.9kg and comes with a built-in handle, it’s clear that MOOER had portability and convenience in mind when designing this product.
- Available in 2 colors (White, Black), each with its own selection of classic preamps
- 9 high-quality preamp models, each captured through MOOER’s MNRS technology (controllable through the 9-way tone rotary switch)
- Modulation effects unit (chorus, phaser, vibrato) and dial
- Delay effects unit (analog, tape echo, digital) and dial
- Reverb effects unit (room, hall, church) and dial
- Three dials for three-band EQ adjustment (treble, mid, bass)
- Gain and master volume dials
- Live/Preset mode toggle switch
- Tap tempo buttons and features for modulation and delay effects
- 15 watts of rated power, ideal for practicing
- Digital screen for displaying functional and tuning information
- Built-in digital tuner
- ¼” guitar input
- 3.5mm auxiliary input
- 3.5mm headphone output
- Bluetooth support for high-quality audio input playback, perfect for backing tracks
- Convenient handle for easy transportation
- Rechargeable 4000mA.h lithium battery for portable play
- Power switch for easy on/off control
The Hornet 15 Li is available from distributors and retailers worldwide now.