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Grace Bowers Rig Rundown

Grace Bowers Rig Rundown
Rig Rundown: Grace Bowers

In the midst of working on her first album, the 17-year-old guitar star takes PG through her rig.

Guitarist Grace Bowers is a 17-year old California transplant tearing it up in Nashville. Currently working on her first album with producer John Osborne of the Brothers Osborne, Bowers invited John Bohlinger and the PG team to walk through her studio and live rig.

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Mostly Stock Special

Bowers’ number-one is her mostly stock 1961 Gibson SG Special. The P90s and the skinny neck are a perfect fit for her style. The tuners were changed at some point, and the whammy is no longer attached, but the rest of the axe is original. This guitar and all others are strung with D’Addario .010s.

Osbourne's ES

For PAF humbucker tone on the album, Grace plays John Osborne’s all-stock 1960 Gibson ES-335.

With a Little Help From Her Friends

The one acoustic on the album is this 1968 Gibson 12-string acoustic, on loan from a friend.

Deluxe Simplicity

Bowers keeps it simple with a stock, new-ish Fender Deluxe Reverb amp.

It's Not a Phase, Mom!

Bowers’ pedal setup includes a Dunlop Crybaby Wah, Grindstone Audio Solutions Night Shade Drive, EarthQuaker Devices Tone Job, MXR Phase 90, MXR Phase 95, and Boss DD-2. Bowers powers them with a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power ISO-5.