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GALLERY: People of NAMM, Part 2

We put faces to the names of all those gear personalities you’ve heard about.

Floyd Rose of Floyd Rose vibrato systems

If someone mentions the names Leo Fender or Les Paul, there’s a good chance that an image of them will pop into your head. But there are many other “names” in the guitar world that you know but you probably couldn’t pick the individuals out in a crowd. These are people whose guitars, amps, or pedals you might use on a regular basis or, at least, plan to buy as soon as that big lottery win comes your way.

Who? People like Reinhold Bogner, Andy Fuchs, or Dave Friedman (amps). Joe Knaggs, Dennis Fano, or Tom Anderson (guitars). Brian Wampler, Robert Keeley, or Harri Koski of Mad Professor (effects pedals). How about Seymour Duncan? Floyd Rose? Jim Dunlop? Did you know that there is a Rick Shubb behind all of those Shubb capos you see on the wall of your local guitar shop?

These personalities, and more, were at Winter NAMM in January and were nice enough to allow their pictures to be taken.