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Rig Rundown: Here Lies Man

Les Pauls, high-headroom British brawlers, and pulverizing pedals push Marcos Garcia into the Masters of Reality Iommi-sphere.

At a quick glance, you’ll notice another TC Electronic Hall of Fame on his “touring” board. Of course, it’s a great reverb, but it’s because he stumbled on an unknown functionality that allows him to run his signal into two amps and reduces the 60-cyle hum that arises when he used conventional splitter boxes. Win win! Other than that and a SiB Effects Mr. Echo delay, the rest of stomps bring the volume, fury, and mids: Loe Sounds Super Fuzz, Wampler Tumnus Deluxe, a pair of Orange destroyers (Bax Bangeetar and Two Stroke), and a Stone Deaf PDF-2 Parametric EQ. And like his fly board, his main one employs a Boss TU-3 Chromatic Tuner to keep his guitars in line.

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D'Addario Pro Plus Capo:

Bruce Springsteen: the last man standing.

Photo by Rob DeMartin

On Halloween, the pride of New Jersey rock ’n’ roll shook a Montreal arena with a show that lifted the veil between here and the everafter.

It might not seem like it, but Bruce Springsteen is going to die.

I know; it’s a weird thought. The guy is 75 years old, and still puts on three-hour-plus-long shows, without pauses or intermissions. His stamina and spirit put the millennial work-from-home class, whose backs hurt because we “slept weird” or “forgot to use our ergonomic keyboard,” to absolute shame. He leaps and bolts and howls and throws his Telecasters high in the air. No doubt it helps to have access to the best healthcare money can buy, but still, there’s no denying that he’s a specimen of human physical excellence. And yet, Bruce, like the rest of us, will pass from this plane.

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Eric Clapton Cry Baby Wah is a limited-edition pedal with GCB95 sound and gold-plated casting. Portion of proceeds donated to Crossroads Centre for addiction treatment. Available exclusively at Guitar Center.

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Jeff Beck playing: the ‘Oxblood’, his 1954 Gibson Les Paul.

Christie’s will auction Jeff Beck: The Guitar Collection on January 22, 2025, in London. See the highlights.

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J. Rockett Audio Designs Phil X Signature (PXO) Boost & Overdrive Demo
- YouTube

The PXO was created as a live or studio tool. When we sent Phil the overdrive sample he found that it saved him in backline situations and provided him a drive that plays well with others.

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