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Tonal Tinker Toys: Reader Pedalboards 2018

When it comes to pedal puzzles and putting together your dream sound rig, there’s no right way—just your way. Check out these boards from your fellow readers, and be inspired!


Alex Rivera: Keep It Classy, Sandy Eggo!

This reader from San Diego, California, didn’t describe his choices much, instead letting the vibrant colors of his artsy boxes speak for themselves. But after scoping his Instagram, we saw (in addition to a pic of Adele’s last album) that he plays a beautiful natural finish Les Paul through a Vox. This Pedaltrain Metro 24 board features a Boss TU-3, Xotic SP Compressor, ZVEX Mastotron, JHS Angry Charlie V3, Wampler Tumnus, Xotic EP Booster, Walrus Julia, MXR Phase 90, Empress Tremolo 2, TC Electronic Flashback Delay, Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail Nano, and Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus.

It’s that time of year, when Premier Guitar readers from such disparate places as Florianópolis, Brazil, to Katy, Texas, share with us their prized collection of sonic goodies. All kinds of players write in: Sunflower Bean’s frontman/guitarist Nick Kivlen goes down memory lane, describing how he acquired, through many years and sources, all the pedals he loves. Simon Gotthelf, who has his own YouTube channel dedicated solely to the world of guitar and demoing gear, shows us his fave pedal configuration. A few session guitarists give advice on grab-and-go stomp setups. And then there are dozens of players who call themselves “bedroom” guitarists, many of whom know more about how to wire up a board than some stars featured on Rig Rundowns. Now, let’s dig in!