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GALLERY: Summer NAMM 2016 Day 1

Here's a taste of the gear we came across during the first day of Summer NAMM, with tone toys from Fender, Seymour Duncan, Bullhead Amplification, and more.

Fryette Amplicication Sound City Master Hundred

Fryette Amplification head honcho/tube-amp genius Steven Fryette has revived the Sound City brand this ‪‎NAMM‬ with the intent of bringing the late, great Dave Reeves' famed brawny tones into the 21st century. Featuring PCB construction and Heyboer transformers similar to the old Partridge designs, the Master Fifty and Master Hundred (shown) feature EL34 power sections, a unique and highly interactive triple-volume section (normal, brilliant, and master), plus a 3-band EQ and presence control. To our ears, the amps—which hover around the $2k mark—sounded glorious through the rear-loaded 4x12 and 2x12 cabs with repro Fane speakers.

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