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Pedal Alley 2021: Reader Boards

The pandemic has brought guitarists lots more time to tinker with tone toys. Here’s what players all over the world have been putting together in their bunkers.

Quinn Leeper

Quinn Leeper: Extremely Cornish

Please excuse the mess as I swap fuzzes regularly. Here’s my stompbox routing:

My guitar signal goes to a Pete Cornish LD-3 Buffer/Mute, split to a Sonic Research tuner and Real McCoy RMC Picture Wah, to a GigRig G2 Switch.

GigRig G2 Switch send/receive:

  1. Pete Cornish TB-83X Treble Boost
  2. Pete Cornish NG-3 Fuzz
  3. Pete Cornish G2 Fuzz/Distortion and SS3 Overdrive
  4. Klon Centaur
  5. Boss CE-2 with Keeley mod
  6. MXR Phase 90
  7. Pete Cornish OC-1 Optical Compressor
  8. Pete Cornish TES delay
  9. Free the Tone FT-2Y Flight Time
  10. Free the Tone AS-1R Ambi Space Reverb, Tapestry Volume pedal, G2 output to Lazy J 80 and Komet K60 amps

It’s all powered by a Cioks DC-10 and direct.

It’s that time of year, when Premier Guitar readers get the chance to show their pedalboards, and how they use them to create worlds of sound. There’s no wrong way to signal a stomp—the options are virtually endless. Read on to see what players have been cooking up in their COVID guitar bunkers. A few highlights include a completely white-washed mystery pedalboard, a retirement bucket list project from a 62-year-old beginner, an elaborate rackmounted setup made with a goal to streamline pedal-Tetris, and much more. Enjoy!