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The Year in Gear 2015

Our favorite guitars, basses, amps, effects, and accessories from the last 12 months.

Way Huge Saffron Squeeze MkII

Way Huge has been on fire lately. They’ve also had the good sense to revisit some old models that weren’t the splashiest or best-selling models of the original Way Huge lineup from the ’90s. The resurrected Saffron Squeeze—Jeorge Tripps’ twist on the fabled Ross Compressor—is a quiet, versatile delight. At just under $150 bones, it’s a cool deal too.
$149 street

Click here to read the full review

In the years we’ve compiled our annual list of Premier Gear Award winners, we’ve probably never seen a list more eclectic than 2015’s. From high-gain monster amps and atmospheric reverbs to mini overdrives and wahs, 2015’s award winners covered all the bases.

As always, it was a joy to see how both big-time musical instrument industry players and little shops a step removed from the garage managed to haul in Premier Guitar’s prize for gear excellence. And if anyone’s counting, we’re pretty sure we also set a record for Premier Gear Award winners. So we hope you’re comfy—this list of primo gear may take some time to cover.

Trey Anastasio unveils plans for a special solo acoustic run starting in March, 2025.

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Fender Jack White Collection Demos | First Look​
- YouTube

Watch John Bohlinger and Fender’s mad scientists dissect and rip away at Jack White’s new trio of visionary, eclectic, and multi-dimensionally magical electric, amp, and acoustic-electric.

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Made in close collaboration and with significant input from Jimmy Page, the Jimmy Page EDS-1275 uses new 3D scanning technology to aid in handcrafting an effective clone of his original EDS-1275.

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Reader: Daniel Switkin

Hometown: Oakland, California

Guitar: Doublecaster

Here’s the doubleneck dream realized, even if it weighs 9 pounds, 5 ounces.

Taking a Squier Affinity Stratocaster and Mini Precision Bass, one reader created a super-versatile instrument for looping that he can pick, pluck, tap, and slap.

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