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The Year in Gear 2015

Our favorite guitars, basses, amps, effects, and accessories from the last 12 months.


Taylor 618e

The big daddy of Taylor’s 600 was a joy to know. We might have expected that giant low-end output and bass sustain. But the dynamic range and sensitivity of this maple-backed grand orchestra model was a wonderful surprise. Seriously, at times this big Taylor felt like having a grand piano strapped around your neck. It has that much range.
$2,799 street

Click here to read the full review

In the years we’ve compiled our annual list of Premier Gear Award winners, we’ve probably never seen a list more eclectic than 2015’s. From high-gain monster amps and atmospheric reverbs to mini overdrives and wahs, 2015’s award winners covered all the bases.

As always, it was a joy to see how both big-time musical instrument industry players and little shops a step removed from the garage managed to haul in Premier Guitar’s prize for gear excellence. And if anyone’s counting, we’re pretty sure we also set a record for Premier Gear Award winners. So we hope you’re comfy—this list of primo gear may take some time to cover.